Sunday, November 15, 2009

French are Helicopter Parents


PARIS — A French lawmaker says she has proposed a bill to ban corporal punishment, including spanking of children.

National Assembly member and pediatrician Edwige Antier says she believes spanking makes children more "sly, lying and aggressive."

The lawmaker says that after 38 years of medical practice she believes that "children who have never been spanked are better behaved, listen more to adults and are more respectful of their authority."

Antier, a member of President Nicolas Sarkozy's conservative party, says 18 European countries already outlaw spanking. Her comments appeared Sunday in Le Parisien newspaper.

French schools are banned from using corporal punishment, but no law prevents parents from spanking their children. Source

Yes, French nannies.

Good gosh, can these governments stop being parents to everyone? I find this ridiculous.
If children are naughty, they need to be punished. Now, I can testify spankings hurt, but it kept me from putting gum in my sister's hair.

I mean, kids already cannot play tag at recess, because they're party poopers. Not really, but their reasons are faulty and not very well supported in my mind. :)

Does the government just wanna adopt these kids? Uh, I'm sorry, but no way in heck, could you force me to go live w/ the government. Cuz, the truth is, if they're ruining our country, why in the world would we trust them with children? yes, i know this is in France, and they're already corrupt enough, but u never know what Houdini-bama's got up his sleeve...

So, happy Sunday!

Luv, Palin, and Crowder...

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