Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Happy Holidays? Nope, Merry CHRISTmas

You know what really ticks me off? Happy holidays. Gag me with a spoon.
Is Christmas really so bad?
Stupid athetists. But, what really makes me mad, is how Kwanza, a made up holiday, is now cool. I remember watching this Arthur special, hehe, where Arthur told Buster he should make up a holiday. Something else which makes me laugh, Steven Crowder, yes the conservative dude of awesomeness, played Brain in that movie. And Brain, Crowder, raps about Kwanza. That still makes me laugh.
 So, according to the world now, we are celebrating the holidays, we put up Christmas trees, and Santa comes on Christmas matter how hard they try, there comes that pesky little word Christmas. Hm, who's losing now?
They can try and take Christmas out of everything but I don't think its possible. We've been celebrating Christmas for such a long time now, that not celebrating it would be like not kissing your girlfriend/boyfriend wife/husband on New Years Eve. (I know dumb example but what'd you want me to say? Easter without the Easter Bunny? I'd love that, cuz HE'S NOT REAL! Speakin' of which they took God out of that holiday too. Shocker! I think not, there are no surprises with them, truthfully.)
So, here's an idea for you, when you're at the store and the clerk tells you Happy Holidays, tell him Merry Christmas with a smile and watch his reaction. You might be surprised.
Oh, just so you know, everytime some dumb commercial says, Happy Holidays, my sis and I correct the tv.

Yep, that's just how we roll...and I don't care that the Jonas Brothers have a song with the same title. "They suck anyways." (New Moon spoof by Evil Iguana. Hil-ar-ious.)

So...Merry CHRISTmas.
I just realized, looking over my posts, that I never really write about politics anymore. Strange...
So, time to break that streak...

Here is global warming...

While the world's politicians argue in Copenhagen, some scientists are speaking out at an alternative "skeptics' conference."

More than 50 scientists, businessmen and lobby groups met to discuss alternative theories about global warming and climate change, reports the Telegraph. The paper highlights a few scientists, including Professor Henrik Svensmark, a physicist at the Danish National Space Center in Copenhagen, who said the recent warming period was caused by solar activity.
svensmark saidthat the last time the world experienced such high temperatures, during the medieval warming period, the Sun and the Earth were in a similar cycle.

Professor Nils-Axel Morner, a geologist from Stockholm University, said sea-level rise has also been exaggerated by the "climate alarmists" using computer models.

He said observational data from lake sediments, coast lines and trees show sea levels have remained stable.

Read the full story at the Telegraph.source

Okay, this is nuts.
If these scientists think the temps are rising need to come to the Midwest. I am up to my knees in snow and my fingers are numb from shoveling.
They've made too much money off these lies to tell the truth, and that's why they keep coming up with this stuff. They know its not really getting that much warmer. But Al Gore's raking it in, the scientists are raking it in, ya get the picture.
I really don't like it that they keep coming up with these ideas, and people keep buying it. Were those e-mails not enough proof? They even said that they really didn't believe this stuff.
Sometimes I seriously wonder if these scientists sit on their little behinds thinking up different stupid ideas. I mean, now we're blaming the "cycle."
What's next? Wait, I take that back I do not want to know.
Ah, well, that's that. These scientists are crazy.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Have you noticed politics are always depressing? Yeah, me too. Now, I know I could be just like Glenn Beck and make you grab the pills, but I'm not like that. Sorry, if you're disappointed, and you wanted some hard-hitting news story that makes your jaw drop. Not tonight.
No, tonight I heard Obama's approval rating dropped down to 47%. Wow, there's some change...for him. :)

So, in honor of this unforeseen (bahaha I saw this a looong time ago) drop-age, I have a special song for him.

It is a spoof of the song by the ever-awful Fergie. Now, keep in mind, I've never actually listened to the full song, but have heard my cousin sing it, and looked up the CLEAN (emphasis on clean) lyrics. Not to worry, this song is kid friendly. What now, Ferg? That's more than she and can do. haha

Here we blow:
Approval Rating by Conservative Teen

Oh snap!

Oh snap!

Oh snap!

(Are you ready for this?)

Oh snap!

Oh! It’s me ‘Bama

The dem’crat.

‘Bama, what’s up baby?

Come on!

When I come to the House, step aside

(oh snap)

Part the seas, don’t be making me wait

(oh snap)

VIP cuz you know I’m a racist

(oh snap)

All my dems get down in the House

(oh snap)

Passing them bills like fire

(oh snap)

I’m such a liar but I’m acting like a prez

(oh snap)

Cause you know I don’t give a thought ‘bout it

(oh snap)

How come everytime I come around

My approval ‘proval rating wanna go down like

Rating rating rating wanna go down like

Rating rating rating wanna go down like

Rating rating rating wanna go down like

How come every time I come around

My approval ‘proval rating wanna go down like

Rating rating wanna go down like

Rating rating rating wanna go down like

Rating rating rating wanna go down like

Porkulus start passing faith in me failing

Everybody starting to look real mad

(oh snap)

That Glenn Beck got you feeling good

(oh snap)

Now I’m wishing he weren’t on the news

(oh snap)

It’s like every time I rant on the dude

(oh snap)

CNN put my business on the news

And I’m like hello good people

(oh snap)

Before I go and pass new bill

(oh snap)

Make sure you get my good side

(oh snap)

You got that? I got the face

How come every time I come around

My approval ‘proval rating wanna go down like

Rating rating rating wanna go down like

Rating rating rating wanna go down like

Rating rating rating wanna go down like

How come every time I come around

My approval ‘proval rating wanna go down like

Rating rating wanna go down like

Rating rating rating wanna go down like

Rating rating rating wanna go down like

La da da da da doo doo doo doo

Me lies like a waterfall they never stop

‘Bama likes ‘em long strung my libs support, right?

Another ‘Bama Biden callabo

‘Bama and Biden

When I come to the House, step aside

(oh snap)

Part the seas, don’t be making me wait

(oh snap)

V.I.P cuz you know I’m a racist

(oh snap)

I’m ‘Bam ‘Bama and me love your votes

(oh snap)

All my dems get down in the House

(oh snap)

Passing them bills fire

(oh snap)

I’m such a liar but I’m acting like a prez

(oh snap)

Cause you know I don’t give a thought to it

(oh snap)

How come every time I come around

My approval ‘proval rating wanna go down like

Rating rating rating wanna go down like

Rating rating rating wanna go down like

Rating rating rating wanna go down like

How come every time I come around

My approval ‘proval rating wanna go down like

Rating rating rating wanna go down like

Rating rating rating wanna go down like

Rating rating rating wanna go down like

Well, I hope you enjoyed that, maybe someday I'll sing it. Right...
